Clients will receive the following services:
- An in depth intake interview to understand the concerns, goals, history and the household’s current routines of shopping, cooking and eating
- A thorough review of the client’s current diet using a nutrition analysis program
- An individualized list of foods to emphasize and those to eliminate or avoid
- Recommendations for how to engage kids in diet based self care
- An individualized kid tested and approved 7 day meal plan
- Follow up sessions to troubleshoot and build on successes
In Depth Intake Interview
Our initial session will allow us to establish a rapport and give me a thorough overview of the specific needs of the client on which I can create individualized recommendations and strategies. During the intake session we will cover the following:
- Health concerns and nutrition goals
- Health history
- Current dietary patterns
- Patterns and roles for shopping, preparing and consuming meals and snacks
Food Journal Analysis
I will ask you to provide me with a three day journal of all the foods and beverages consumed within a three day period. I will do a thorough review of the diet using a nutrition analysis program. This will help me in identifying nutrient deficiencies and or imbalances present in the client’s current diet in order to create an individualized meal plan and other nutritional recommendations to rectify deficiencies and imbalances.
Individualized 7 day Meal Plan
I will use client’s goals, health concerns, nutrient analysis and health history as a basis to create a 7 day kid tested and approved meal plan to support the client's health goals. Knowing what to cook/eat is often a daunting task for many people. Having a template to follow will allow the client to dive into making dietary changes that have been tailored for their unique needs. After completing the template, the client will have more confidence and independence for how to proceed with follow up advice and support from me.
45 Minute Follow Up Sessions
During these sessions I will provide strategies for addressing challenges and building on successes experienced while incorporating dietary recommendations and implementing the meal plan. These session help equip the client to move forward with making dietary adjustments more independently.
Other Services
Pantry/Fridge Revamp
I can visit your home to provide support for eliminating foods from the household that are nutrient poor or allergen laden and replace them with nutrient dense alternatives. Pantry revamp can be particularly useful for clients eliminating allergens from the diet. A Pantry/Fridge Revamp will set you up for success in supporting your health when you reach for a snack or begin to prepare a meals.
Shopping Trip
Avoid overwhelm and learn where to find foods to support health. You will learn to fill your store baskets with delicious, sustainable, allergen free and nutrient dense foods efficiently.
Shopping trips may consist of a guided tour of :
- Physical locations such as farmers markets, specialty stores, and grocery stores
- Online sources for procurement such as Good Eggs, Real Food Bay Area, Thrive Market, etc
- Exploration of new channels for food procurement such as CSA programs and animal shares
- Label reading is addressed during shopping trips to enable the client to make educated decisions on whether a product is a good choice for them
20 minute quarterly check
Stay on track with gains established during Package Service/ Receive advice or recommendation for addressing a specific dietary challenge.